Party Like a Rockstar (Whaddup?)

November 25, 2007

There’s always some kind of partying going on at The Dock on the USA server Mammoth.
As far as I could tell there were no REAL celebpenguins there. But it’s hard to keep up sometimes.

Whaddup? 2

I’ve got school tomorrow so I’m done reporting today. I know, I only did one whole post. But, hey, a girls gotta shop.

Adios, muchachos.


November 24, 2007

This is the first post out of many posts to come from my segment “Whaddup?”
“Whaddup?” will bring you the most current news about what is going on in Club Penguin.Whaddup? 1

Instead of “Where’s Waldo?” – Where’s BatGirl?
This was the scene at USA’s server Mammoth on the Ski Slopes. CelebPenguins there were Wy Guy & Vital Viper showed up not long after this shot was taken. The crowd was CRAZY.

Wy GuyVital Viper

Adios, Muchachos.

Current State of the Union

November 24, 2007


The Western Party at our favorite penguin paradise is in full swing, as most of you know. I think the decoration is pretty grood (combo. great/good) except not all of the rooms are decorated. But, even so, everyone at Club Penguin seems to be having a great time strapping on their cowboy boots & bandannas & making out like bandits with all the free stuff available. Although, I’ve already got sick of dressing like a cowgirl & have settled back into my usual ensemble.

Here is where all the free goodies can be found in case you don’t already know:

  • The Dock- a free western background can be found nailed to a cactus!
  • The Plaza- a free red bandanna can be found in a box for you penguin to wear!
  • The Forest- another free western background can be found nailed to a cactus!
  • The Cove- is where the new pin is hidden. Hint: it’s as hard to find as a needle in a haystack.

Well, I think that’s all I have for now.
I’m going to go eat me some blueberry pie.

Adios, muchachos!