Party Like a Rockstar (Whaddup?)

November 25, 2007

There’s always some kind of partying going on at The Dock on the USA server Mammoth.
As far as I could tell there were no REAL celebpenguins there. But it’s hard to keep up sometimes.

Whaddup? 2

I’ve got school tomorrow so I’m done reporting today. I know, I only did one whole post. But, hey, a girls gotta shop.

Adios, muchachos.


November 24, 2007

This is the first post out of many posts to come from my segment “Whaddup?”
“Whaddup?” will bring you the most current news about what is going on in Club Penguin.Whaddup? 1

Instead of “Where’s Waldo?” – Where’s BatGirl?
This was the scene at USA’s server Mammoth on the Ski Slopes. CelebPenguins there were Wy Guy & Vital Viper showed up not long after this shot was taken. The crowd was CRAZY.

Wy GuyVital Viper

Adios, Muchachos.